What’s “brixelated”?
(LEGO) bricks + pixelated = brixelated!
What’s “Gleego”?
They are LEGO parodies of scenes from “Glee.”
What’s “Klego”?
Klego are a subset of Gleego. They are Klaine LEGO! If you aren’t sure what a “Klaine” is, then you may have to do a Google search. Basically, “Kurt” plus “Blaine” equals “Klaine.”
Do you use real LEGO?
Yes! All creations are made with actual LEGO pieces. Some are photographed all together, and some in pieces so they can be fitted into their respective backgrounds more freely. But they are all real.
Can I buy these minifigures?
My collection of minifigures is not for sale. Pieces are used and reused over and over from my personal collection. Once a scene is finished, pieces are dismantled and returned to their original minifigure. I do have an online store where you can get prints of some of the creations here.
How do you get them in scenes?
It depends on the scene. Some scenes are photographed all together, with background and props, etc., in place. Others are photographed and then placed into the scene in post.
Where do you get your minifigures?
Many are from the limited-edition mystery packs LEGO has been releasing for the past few years. These packs have great props and heads with perfect expressions. I also get some super special pieces (like Kurt’s hair) from online sources, but even then they are usually from past mystery pack series.